viernes, 18 de junio de 2010

chi-chi-chi-le-le-le, viva chile!

World Cup Fever has hit down here and it's insane!!!!! CHILEANS ARE INSANE!!! And I love it!!! So Chile played on Wednesday morning, so I "rescheduled" my class that was at that time so my students (and myself) could watch the game. I ended up leaving for my next class right after Chile beat Honduras. It was crazy!!!! On my walk to the metro, there is a four lane highway, that was packed with hundreds of people for as far as the eyes could see in both directions. The traffic lights meant absolutley nothing as the cars couldn't go anywhere anyway. The "preparations" (drinking) for the game had started the night before and lasted all the next day. It's the first time Chile has won in a World Cup in around 40 years. They're actually in a really tough spot right now, as they have to go up against Spain (second in the world, rankings wise) and Switzerland, who just beat Spain on Wednesday. I actually can't wait for their next game. I slept on Tuesday instead of doing any crazy Chilean partying, but I'd like to make it to a local bar for the next one, just to be part of the atmosphere. I cannot imagine how crazy it's going to be!!!

And thank goodness USA tied Slovenia this morning. Now what we need is for England to beat Slovenia and we have to beat Algeria to move on. So everyone root for USA against Algeria; game's on June 23!

Chi-Chi-Chi-le-le-le, Viva Chile!! The common chant here for the national team, but which Connie and I actually heard when we went to an impromptu earthquake benefit concert the first month we were here! Amazing to see how this country unites, for it's people and for the world cup! The atmosphere is very similar to how it was in Spain when I was there for the World Cup in 2006. Ha. It's awesome! Viva Chile!

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